Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chapter 4- Audri's Escape.

Audri lies unconsious after fainting in the midst of his panic attack. Ulysses crouches on his knees with Audri in his arms. Nalin and Sol are out for blood as they stand side by side ready to attack. Sol is the first to make a move; dashing towards Ulysses like a wild animal. Nalin starts to take off for Ulysses but suddenly drifts into a stop. Nalin takes a step back and folds his arms.

"Hmm...lets see what he's got."

Sol closes in on Ulysses and Audri. Just then the towns people lock hands around Ulysses and Audri. Sol halts before the layers of human chains formed around his prey. One of the men blocking Sol speaks up.

"We won't stand idly by while you hurt Lord Ulysses, we'll protect him with our lives!"

The rest of the group back up the man's passionate words.

"Yeah, you won't get through!"
"You can't fight all of us."

One man turns to Ulysses and smiles.

"Run... we'll hold him off."

Ulysses stands and cries out to the towns people.

"I can't let you do this, it's my fight! Stand down!"

The man standing in front of the crowd looks back at Ulysses.

"You've helped us so much... it's time to return the favor. Ru-"

Sol grabs the man by his throat and lifts him off the ground. The man clutches his neighbor's hand tighter. The people holding the man struggle to keep their footing as Sol's strength lifts them as well. A woman turns to Ulysses.

"You gotta go now! 'else our effort's for nothin'."

Ulysses hesitates.

"I can't"

The man in Sol's grasp manages to squeeze out one solid breath.


Ulysses looks down at Audri and he looks at the crowd.


Ulysses shifts Audri over his shoulder and begins to run towards the forest. Ulysses looks back to see if they're being followed. The towns people maneuver their chain around Sol and begin the attack him. Nalin is nowhere in sight.

"Where is he? I can't let him get the jump on us."

Ulysses starts to speed through the forest; darting between the trees. Suddenly trees begin to fall in his path; ripping violently from their roots as leaves and bark fly everywhere. A voice is heard among the chaos.

"Ossan! Where are you going? The fun was just beginning!"

Nalin crashes to the ground from the treetops.

"You didn't think it would be that simple did you? I'm not a fool like the Bestian"
"Well you're fool enough!"

Ulysses thrusts his palm into Nalin's face, but Nalin barely even flinches.

"Nice try Ossan, but you're nothing compared to what you were. Your attacks barely even itch."
"Then I guess..."

Ulysses quickly squats down and grabs a handful of dirt.

"I'll have to fight dirty!"

Ulysses takes the dirt and punches it into Nalin's eyes. Nalin frantically covers his eyes and swings his fists trying to slam Ulysses. Ulysses maneuvers around him and speeds away. Ulysses runs until he reaches a large tree trunk. Ulysses feels around the base of the trunk.


Ulysses lifts a trap door and drops Audri inside. He takes a bag of powder out of his pockets. Ulysses takes out a fuse and sticks it in the bag. He lights the fuse and throws the bag to the ground as he jumps down into the trap door. Ulysses and Audri slide deep underground. A massive explosion devastates the area within a 50 yard radius.

Back in the town, Sol's attention quickly turns to the explosion. He puts his jacket back on and sifts through the slew of dead bodies and severed parts littering the ground.

"Son of a Bitch, we have to deal with stuff blowing up now? Goddammit, I hate this place."

Sol walks into the forest mumbling to himself.

Nalin walks up to the rubble; still wiping his eyes.

"Ossan, I can't stand it... That damned brain of yours. . "

Nalin bends down and swipes a finger to collect a bit of the soot amongst the rubble.

"I guess you haven't lost your wits."

He blows the soot into the wind.

"Even if you are a weakling."

Sol comes through the trees still cursing to himself. Nalin covers his nose and darts up.

"My god... You stink!"
"Shut the hell up!"

Nalin waves his hand in front of his face to push away the smell.

"You Bestians are disgusting"
"Hey! You left me to deal with those people back there. The way I handle my business is none of your concern."

Sol sniffs the air and quickly drops to the ground. Sol sniffs the ground.

"I can't track them from here. Looks like we start from scratch."
"Clever old bastard"

Meanwhile Ulysses carries Audri down a dark tunnel. Ulysses lays Audri on the ground and slumps against a wall.

"We should be safe now. I guess I should get some rest too. It appears we've got a long journey ahead of us."


Audri's Decision

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